A Dozen Tots of Grog" is an anthology, by James Grogono, of 12 stand alone essays, mostly on sailing innovation, 22,000 words and 90 illustrations, many in colour. They are in date order. Three cover the pre 1970s :- "Sonia's Last Cruise", "Follies and Near Misses" and "Firefly", Four cover the 1970s :-, "Icarus 1969 - 70", "Speedsailing", "Icarus 1972 - 2022", and "Mayfly, Philfly and Icarus Two", and five the post 1970s " :- "Sculling Hydrofoil", "Rowing down the Thames", "Windsurf Cruising", "Windsurf Medley", and "Mapping the Maze". Appendix One lists the author's sailing publications, Appendix Two is self - written accounts by six "Inventive Grogonos", all progeny of Dr Eric Walter Grogono.