3M 150mm 6" P2000 Grit Hook N Loop Foam Fine Finishing Discs Pad PK10 Trizact™
SKU 3M 150mm 6" P2000 Grit Hook N Loop Foam Fine
Key Features:
Make panels ready for blending prior to the application of base coat
Prepare panels before painting and key alloy wheels and bumpers for refinishing
Use for denibbing base coat in the spray booth
Grade: P2000
3M™ Paint Preparation Pads to prepare panels before painting and keying alloy wheels and bumpers ready for refinishing. We’ve designed our pad to answer the call for a specialist pad for denibbing and alloy wheel and bumper keying.
Get our specialist 3M™ Paint Preparation Pads to prepare panels before painting and keying alloy wheels and bumpers ready for refinishing. We’ve designed our pad for specialist denibbing and alloy wheel and bumper keying. Use the 2000 grade disc for denibbing of water-base coats while the vehicles are in the spray booth. Our 150mm discs are available as 10 discs per box.