10 X Super CR2032,DL2032,BR2032,KL2032, 3 VOLT PoundMax LITHIUM BATTERIES
SKU box 62 poundmax 2pk (10 total)
Compatibility Replacement for: CR2032, 2032, BR2032, DL2032, ECR2032, E-CR2032, KCR2032, KECR2032, KL2032, L2032, LM2032
Suitable for watches, calculators, small appliances etc. A superb Computers, Cameras, Digital Cameras,PDA's,Remote Controls,Camcorders Electronic Games,Watches,
Calculators, Electronic Instruments Car Security Alarm, MP3 Players,
LED lights, Digital Voice Recorders,Toys, Blood Glucose, Cholesterol Testing,Meters
PoundMax-Branded product that consistently achieves the highest customer ratings
Reliable, steady power output